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Prose and Poetry


Some find comfort in poetry and quotes. I do. In the carousel, you will see (what I feel are) some great little quotes & sayings. Below that are some poems that touched my heart.
If you would like to share a quote or poem, please contact me.

A Gift

A gift for such a little while,
your loss just seems so wrong,
you should not have left before us,
it’s with loved ones you belong.
Do not judge a song by it’s duration,
Nor by the number of it’s notes,
Judge it by the richness of it’s contents.
Sometimes those unfinished are among the most poignant.
Do not judge a song by it’s duration,
Nor by the number of it’s notes,
Judge it by the way it touches and lifts the soul.
Sometimes those unfinished are among the most beautiful.
And when something has enriched your life.
And when it’s melody lingers on in your heart.
Is it unfinished?
Or is it endless?
-Author Unknown


Angel in Heaven

I'm just a little baby
who didn't quite make it there;
I went straight to be with Jesus
but I'm waiting for you here.

Don't you fret about me mommy
I'm of all God's most blessed
I'd have loved to stay there with you
but Heavenly Father knows what's best.

Many who dwell here where I live
waited years to enter in,
they struggled through a world of sorrow
and their lives were marred with sin.

So sweet mommy don't be sad,
wipe those tears and chase the gloom,
I went straight to be with Jesus,
from my lovely mothers womb.

Thank you for the life you gave me,
it was brief but don't complain;
I have all of heaven's glory
suffering none of the world's pain.

Thank you for the name you gave me,
I'm thankful for all you've done.
I'll be waiting here for you
in heaven up above.

I would have loved to stay with you,
And lived life by your side,
But the Lord has called me home,
I know it's hard to understand why.

Thank you mommy for making me,
You made me out of love,
I can't wait for the day I see you again
So you can see what I've become.

I'm an angel here in heaven,
The Lord's here by my side,
He wants me to let you know
He's sorry he made you cry.

He has a plan for me up here,
And a plan for you here too,
Someday we'll be together again,
And this I know is true.

- Author Unknown



What makes a Mother

So, now you see,
What makes a Mother.
It’s the feeling in your heart.
It’s the love you had so much of,
Right from the very start.
-Author Unknown


Stillborn by Leonard Clark

I carried you in hope, the long nine months of my term,

remembered that close hour when we made you,
often felt you kick and move as slowly you grew within me,
wondered what you would look like when your wet head emerged, girl or boy, and at what glad moment.
I should hear your birth cry, and I welcoming you,
with all you needed of warmth and food; we had a home waiting for you.
After my strong laborings, sweat cooled on my limbs, my small cries merging with the summer air,
you came. You did not cry. You did not breathe. We had not expected this; it seems your birth had no meaning,
Or had you rejected us?
They will say that you did not live, register you as stillborn,
but you lived for me all that time in the dark chamber of my womb,
and when I think of you now, perfect in your little death,
I know that for me you are born still; I shall carry you with me forever,
my child, you were always mine,
you are mine now.
Death and life are the same mysteries.



Precious Little One

Precious Little One, We had you in our lives such a very short time, but we’ll hold you in our hearts forever.  It seemed like only a fleeting moment, but it was long enough to see you, touch you, hold you, love you.  It was long enough to know that your life was indeed a gift- no matter how brief, no matter how fragile, Your life was indeed a gift, and we’ll hold you in our hearts forever.
-Author Unknown


My Little Angel by Anon
You’ve just walked on ahead of me
And I’ve got to understand
You must release the ones you love
And let go of their hand.
I try and cope the best I can
But I’m missing you so much
If I could only see you
And once more feel your touch.
Yes, you’ve just walked on ahead of me
Don’t worry I’ll be fine
But now and then I swear I feel
Your hand slip into mine.
God Took Him To His Loving Home
God saw him getting tired, a cure was not to be.
He wrapped him in his loving arms and whispered ‘Come with me.’
He suffered much in silence, his spirit did not bend.
He faced his pain with courage, until the very end.
He tried so hard to stay with us but his fight was not in vain,
God took him to His loving home and freed him from the pain.



If you are the copyright holder to any of these poems and it was submitted without your consent, please contact me


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